My reply to the comment posted by samknox @ 05:36 PM on 5/18/201 on HuffPost – “How to Burn Calories Without going to The Gym”
“The benefits of exercise are numerous and well-documented.”
In general, it is true, but there is still plenty to discuss certain types of exercises that negatively affect health and well-being, and certain exercises even cause further weight gain.
“Weight-loss isn't one of them.”
It is only half true.
1. For people affected with obesity and particularly for people affected with severe obesity, increased physical activity alone or combined with decreased food intake will not result in significant weight loss.
2. For people slightly affected by overweight increased physical activity will always result in weight loss, and it will also result in weight loss by decreased food intake.
3. For people with an ideal body mass index, physical activity is the only way to maintain their weight and shape.
“Creating a "calorie-deficit", either by eating less or exercising more, has, for all practical purposes, never resulted in long-term weight loss,”
The body doesn’t lose weight because of calorie deficit. The mechanism of weight loss induced by increased physical activity alone or combined with decreased food intake is not due to “calorie deficit”. The article “Misconception about Energy Balance and Weight Gain-Weight Loss” explains how wrong it is to observe weight loss through the model of “caloric deficit and weight gain through the model of “caloric sufficed”
“and this has been common knowledge among nutrition scientists for the last 60 years.”
That is not true.
Well, some nutritionists were scratching their heads, but the science that they didn’t dare to question was the inherited science. In reality, nutritional scientists, including medical scientists, are the victims of flawed science.
Today like in the past, all over the world, in schools and universities, students are learning anabolism theory and catabolism theory. In reality, the anabolism/catabolism theory is a flawed theory.
The scientific community and the wider public have to confront the fact that anabolism/catabolism theories are created when nutritional and medical scientists believe that every single calorie that enters the human body, if not spent, will be converted into fat mass. At that time, the fact that the human body excretes calories was unknown to nutritional and medical science.
The basic science of biology needs to be cleaned from these flawed theories, and the anabolism/catabolism theory is one of them.
As long as the scientific integrity of nutritional and medical scientists is more important than real science, people will suffer from obesity and be victimised by treatments based on pseudo science. The present official science of weight gain/weight loss is not real science but pseudoscience.
“And yet we still have "experts" telling us that we will "see" the results of exercise.”
Until recently, the world leading nutritional scientists were telling exactly that.
For example, the world's most renowned scientists of obesity were telling that: “ Get millions of people to wear inexpensive step counters and walk an additional 2,000 steps (about 1 mile) a day, or cut out 100 calories.”
The other example is the article broadcasted on the BBC: “Cut 100 calories a day to lose weight”
These are just two examples of the belief that obesity can be solved by following the “counting calories method”.