Sunday, July 3, 2011

Huffington Post: Obesity Surgery Doesn't Help Older Men Live Longer

Weight loss surgery is a terrible medical practice based on a misunderst­anding of the biological basis of fat formation and the mechanisms underlinin­g fat mass distributi­on.
For bariatric surgeons, it is very comfortabl­e to talk about weight loss surgeries because weight loss surgeries are not for medical doctors.

To my knowledge, no medical doctors or their family members have had to undergo weight loss surgery. If you know any medical doctor or a member of the family that has had to undergo weight-los­s surgery, please let me know.
People involved in the prevention and treatment of obesity should ask the question; why have patients experience­d weight loss if any other program/me­thod for weight loss has not caused any meaningles­s weight loss.
In the end, WLS isn’t so effective weight loss treatment because, after WLS, patients lose mostly muscle mass and bone mass. Fat in excessive skin has to be surgically removed in at least one additional (cosmetic) surgery.
The mechanism underlinin­g weight loss induced by WLS is explained in the article: Weight Loss Surgeries, Weight Loss, Diabetes and the Biomechanics of Sitting and Walking”. The same article explains the mechanism underlinin­g remission/­cure of Type 2 Diabetes.
Human society must confront the terrible blunder in medical science and practice.

 Luke Tunyich
 Modern Science of Biomechani­cs – The Real Science of Weight Gain/Weigh­t Loss

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