Sunday, July 24, 2011

UK, the Year 2008 -Take Obese Children into Care, Says Health Expert

According to UK Health Experts from 2008, authorities should take obese children from their families and into care, and that those whose health is at risk should then undergo stomach-stapling operations”. (Telegraph, 03 Oct 2008)
At that time (just 2 to 3 years ago), if not the majority of obesity experts were campaigning for the removal of obese children from their parents, or they were silent (passively supporting) about the issue concerning the removal of obese children from their parents.
It is unbelievable that just 3 years ago, no one established obesity scientist or established health expert in the UK or in the USA complained about the idea of forcing children to undergo a stomach-stapling operation. (If you know an established obesity scientist or health expert that was against the idea of forcing children to have stomach stapling operations, please let me know)
Those were the days when the obesity experts had great concern for children affected with obesity but didn’t know that stool contains calories. Ignoring the suffering of obese children, a man can find sympathy for obesity experts because although obesity experts didn’t know that stool contains calories, their intention was for the well-being of children at that time.
The fact that for children affected with severe obesity, nothing works was known to obesity scientists in 2008, but despite that, they were actively or passively campaigning for the removal of severely obese children from their parents.
The only reason that in the UK, obesity experts or any other kind of health experts will not suggest or support any possible campaign to remove obese children from their parents is that they are now aware that some amount of the energy in food intake, the human body will excrete as metabolic waste (metabolic waste is: stool, urine, sweat, breath, etc.). 
In the UK, not only is there no chance that a child affected with obesity or severe obesity will be removed from their parents, but there is no chance that any obesity expert will ever suggest that.
Obesity scientists, health experts and government officials should confront the fact that if parents knew what makes their children obese, there will be no obese children.
The established obesity scientists and health experts should admit the fact that they don’t know what causes obesity among children.

The government should take an active role in solving the problem of obesity and stop to be an executive body of established obesity scientists and established health experts. 

The obesity epidemic can be relatively easy to combat, but it is hard to explain. One reason that makes it hard to explain is that the entire established science of obesity was created without knowing that the human body excretes some energy in food intake. ( Until recently, the established scientific community didn’t know that some amount of energy in food intake human body excrete as metabolic waste  - they didn’t know that stool contains calories.) You may like to read more about “The Facts about the Established Science of Obesity”.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Loss of the Fat Mass in Space – Weightlessness/Microgravity

In weightlessness (microgravity), the human body is affected by an involuntary loss of muscle, bone and fat mass.
  1. The body has weight because of the pull of gravity.
  2. In weightlessness, the body doesn’t have weight.
  3. No one can lose weight in weightlessness. (You can’t lose something that you don’t have.)
  4. In weightlessness, the human body has mass like any physical object. In an environment of 1G and in weightlessness, the body has mass.
In weightlessness/microgravity, increased food intake will not even slow the loss of muscles, bones and fat mass.
There is no supplement, drugs or any kind of food that will even slow the atrophy of the muscles, bones and fat mass in weightlessness.
It is obvious that even a Bear will not gain body mass in weightlessness, despite excessive feeding, nor it will be saved from atrophy of the existing body mass.
The involuntary loss of the muscles, bones and fat mass is one major obstacle to any possible prolonged space travel.
The only way to slow the ATROPHY of the muscles, bones and FAT MASS is to do exercises on a specially designed exercise device for weightlessness.
The example of how weightlessness affects the body mass regulation shows us that without the pull of gravity, it will be not only impossible to gain body mass, whether it is muscle mass, bones mass or FAT MASS, but it would also be impossible to maintain the existing body weight whether you are human or a bear.
The biological basis of fat mass formation and the mechanisms of body fat distribution can be understood by almost everyone, but it takes time to explain. 
The article on my website: Food, Water, Air, Physical Activity, Gravity and Weight Gain/Weight Loss explains a little bit more about regulating the mechanism of weight gain and weight loss.
That article doesn’t explain everything, but it is the first step to understanding the biological basis of fat mass formation. Actually, it should be the talk of fat cells formation and fat mass formation, but for the sake of simplicity, I will mention only fat mass formation because the formation of the fat cells causes an increase in the fat mass and an increase in the size of single-cell increases body fat mass.
Please note:
There is only one biological basis for fat mass formation.
There are many mechanisms underlining body fat mass distributions.

You may like to read more about weightlessness and about the real science of weight gain and weight loss.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Diet Soda is linked to Weight Gain

By maintaining the same level of physical activity, some people can eat little food and be obese or severely obese, and some people can eat plenty of food and still be normal in weight or even underweight. That is the fact known to people before the pseudoscience of weight gain and weight loss was created.

1. The fact that Diet Soda is linked to Weight Gain should be interpreted as that something wrong with the basic science of weight gain and weight loss.

2. There is no ground to make out of hand a conclusion that people gain weight because then they crave sweets and eat more.

3. There is no point in inventing some ad hoc theory like that insulin causes fat storage and prevents fat release.

A. There has to be a confrontation with the fact that the basic science of weight gain and weight loss is wrong.

B. There has to be a confrontation with the fact that weight gain and weight loss are not about calories or energy.

Please note! 
Weight loss treatment involving dieting, increased physical activity, diet pills and bariatric surgeries were invented when obesity scientists believed that every single calorie in food intake, if not spent, would be stored as fat mass. These beliefs were in line with the anabolism and catabolism theories - (flawed theories). At those times, the theory “calories in-calories out” was an unquestioned scientific dogma. The obvious reason for that is: that obesity Researchers didn’t know that some amount of energy in food intake, the human body excretes as metabolic waste (they didn’t know that stool contains calories) Read more.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Food, Water, Air and Obesity

Like, water and air, optimal nutrition is essential for life, but the obesity epidemic in children and in adults is not caused by insufficient physical activity and/or excessive food intake.
It is impossible to explain in a few words because there is so much of a preconceived mind about the cause and solution for obesity that is born out of the wrong science of weight gain/weight loss.
1. Causes of the obesity epidemic are misunderstood.
2. The basic science of Weight Gain/weight loss is wrong.
3. The weight loss induced by weight loss surgeries is misunderstood.
4. The weight loss induced by starvation or any other diet is misunderstood. (The article which explains the mechanism underlining weight loss induced by a starvation diet will be posted on my website in a few days.)
The obesity epidemic can be relatively easy to combat, but it is hard to explain. One reason that makes it hard to explain is that the entire established science of obesity was created without knowing that the human body excretes some energy in food intake. ( Until recently, the established scientific community didn’t know that some amount of energy in food intake human body excrete as metabolic waste  - they didn’t know that stool contains calories.) You may like to read more about “The Bad Science of Obesity”.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Huffington Post: Obesity Surgery Doesn't Help Older Men Live Longer

Weight loss surgery is a terrible medical practice based on a misunderst­anding of the biological basis of fat formation and the mechanisms underlinin­g fat mass distributi­on.
For bariatric surgeons, it is very comfortabl­e to talk about weight loss surgeries because weight loss surgeries are not for medical doctors.

To my knowledge, no medical doctors or their family members have had to undergo weight loss surgery. If you know any medical doctor or a member of the family that has had to undergo weight-los­s surgery, please let me know.
People involved in the prevention and treatment of obesity should ask the question; why have patients experience­d weight loss if any other program/me­thod for weight loss has not caused any meaningles­s weight loss.
In the end, WLS isn’t so effective weight loss treatment because, after WLS, patients lose mostly muscle mass and bone mass. Fat in excessive skin has to be surgically removed in at least one additional (cosmetic) surgery.
The mechanism underlinin­g weight loss induced by WLS is explained in the article: Weight Loss Surgeries, Weight Loss, Diabetes and the Biomechanics of Sitting and Walking”. The same article explains the mechanism underlinin­g remission/­cure of Type 2 Diabetes.
Human society must confront the terrible blunder in medical science and practice.

 Luke Tunyich
 Modern Science of Biomechani­cs – The Real Science of Weight Gain/Weigh­t Loss